Thursday 24 February 2011

Photoshop Practices

Front Cover Analysis


Buzz Words: "Wow", "Exclusive", "Free" are all examples of this.

Puffs: Colourful boxes promoting features inside.

House Style: A magazine's distinctive design that distinguishes it from its competitors.

Strap Line: A slogan

Banner: Text which stands out on a coloured background generally at the bottom of the magazine.

Copy: The Main Story in the Magazine

Anchorage Text: The way in which text helps to pin down the meaning of a picture and vice versa.

Pugs: Placed at the top left and right corners of the paper and are known as the 'ears' of the page. The price of the paper, the logo or a promotion are often positioned there.

Motto: Memorable phrase that is recognisable to a brand

Headline: Catchy Title for the main article

Sell Lines: Text on the front cover that helps to sell the magazine to the audience

Caption: Description of the main image

Masthead: Name of the magazine

Lead: The introductory paragraph of an article. Usually written in bold or capitals.

Drop Capitals: Really big letter that starts off an article

College Newsletter Template

Sunday 20 February 2011

Mood Board


Feminists believe that media output comes from a patriarchal order and that the output is aimed at disempowering women, a female theorist called Laura Mulvey had a theory on the male gaze were she argued that the male gaze took precedence over the female gaze she also says that actresses appear as eye candy to appease the male gaze . While media is a patriarchal society Mulvey also argued that media was created by men for men. Mulvey also argued that the idea of a female movie star would see the star looked at as an object rather than a person.

Cohen's Moral Panic

Stanley Cohen believed that a condition,person,episode or group of people that emerged as a threat to society's values and interests created moral panic, in the media the nature of moral panic would be portrayed in a stylised and stereotypical fashion and moral barricades are controlled by people such as editors and politicians.
However there are the people who feel a threat to society who will begin the moral panic, these people are "moral entrepreneurs" they seek to inflence but there are also the people who threaten social order who are called "folk devils" they are the subject of campaigns of hostility through the use of gossip.


I have chosen Rap/Hip Hop as my genre of music, i have chosen this genre as it is the type of music i listen to the most it is also one of my favourite genres of music. Below are some of the artists that i listen to.